it's kinda messy but haha, idcare
'cos my modem's crazy right now
so ms kok didnt come today,
i suspect she went to ms pang's concert
how could she throw us aside?? ):
so ms J(idk how to spell) took over
&we had to do grade8's work
like, i'm so not gonna take care of her lah!
she's so freaking irritating&rude&all
rah!!no one's gonna take care of her man.
i mean, yes, being a senior, you have to take care of a junior& all
but she?ohnonono, NO WAY!
had dinner@ mb just now
&e guys inside recognised us
HAHA!!so retarded
i bought mini jumbo plushie today! :DD
so cutee!it knows how to dance!right pin?hehes!
went suntec ard 8pm then went to meet gan's friend
walked ard marina played w that flying toy!
haha, we laughed&screamed&laughed
everyone was staring@ us lah!!
including those ppl upstairs!
&me&gan looked so retarded
but nvm, we were in flipflops, shorts, tights folded up& all!! :/
haha!gossiped about people, then went to breeks
&then cabbed home
ohhohh, was inside breeks playign w gan's phone
&her dear boyf called& so i went to ans his call& panked him!
him:hello, you're still outside ah?
me:who are you?
him:who are you?
me:eh!you called my number& you asked me who am i?!
FRIES!! ((:
haha, i refrained myself from drinking sb just now!
'cos i don't want today to end up like what happened on tues!
it's fun but haha,
i feel like sleeping today, yes!!
almond!let's do that another time!haha!!
so bye!
Thursday, November 23, 2006till e dawn
freaking cute right?
ahhhh!! ;D
it's my petpet!
was@ hubby's place playing neopets
&he was laughing@ me!! );<
i can't wait fo the nz workshop hip-hop class! ;D
oh& stepup's soundtrack's out!! :DD
e songs are way nice!
i'm feeling happy!
yay bye!!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006sip of coffee (:
i love sweat!yesyesyes!i miss sweating!haha!.
ballet chalet cancelled.i think
sleepovers are on! (:
meeting pri friends next week! :D
haha, yayayy! 8years+ of friendship!
oh yah, gan& i met some gila guys today
that guy@ e counter in mos burger kept smiling@ us!
&when we left, they shouted byebye to us -.-
then we went nuts in roxy hotel
went ard all the pubs opening e doors
thenthen when we're outside one of e pubs,
a guy held onto the door &winked@ us
&we went laughing away!
seriously, we have tons of free time after o's!
like omg, we are suddenly sososososooo freee!
so we slacked@ starbucks sipping our blended coffee& planplanplan!
alright, i'm playing games& chatting on msn now(:
look!this is what will happen when a boyf didnt inform his girlf
disconnect the dots says (12:41 AM):
walao. (somebody)'s at mos. he never tell me.
disconnect the dots says (12:41 AM):
HAHAHA!so funny!.
nvm, be a nice girlf& you-know-what ltr on! (X
hubby, can you pls reply or sth?
grrrr, i'm killing time
look@ e time!i'm still not sleepy!
&i'm going out in an hours time!
i'm bacckkk from ecp!haha
supposingly, i'm meeting hubby today but sigh nvm.
i texted you in e morning on 21nov&you didnt reply
called you@ night, you didnt pick up, but nvm, you were busy what
&you only text me like 5+am TODAY?
ask your game to be your girlf then. 3<>
i'm feeling damn free now, but i don't wanna go out
'cos i know i'll fall asleep in e bus/cab/mrt
my monkey partner quick come online!! ;D
gan asked me to try this!haha
Tuesday, November 21, 2006&finally, sunshine after e rain! ;D
yesyes!ballet here i come! :D
was a whole day out w mz&queenie
bought via's present, finally!
i think marina's shopping is bad
i mean, that area where you could get lost
yah, youknowyouknow, yah that place.
sooo ahlianish lah their clothes :/
hate offence to people who finds that place appealing ehh
so in e end ey ended up in parkway w me
went for ballet& met 'em back for dinner
miscommunication w e others, so ey didnt meet us for dinner
then met 'em at e bus-stop on out way back, haha
&we were yakking away on e upper deck
yep!&so i had somebody to accompany me home! :D
&btw, o's are officially over!!
i screwed all that i could ever screw
so i should just enjoy now&suffer ltr :/
had a funny conversation on msn w darren
he told me not to laugh, but i was laughing my ass off in front of e screen
how dumb!!shall not go in details to make him paiseh. HAHAHA!
moral of the story:don't be so vainpot lah guys or you'll end up in a hilarious manner!!
just like darren
ohoh!met ms liew in sch
msliew:so how miss strawberry pie?
jas:is strawberry shortcake!!!not pie!!
msliew:yahyah, i know, pie, ey're e same
jas: nooo!!pie's pie, cake's cake.
msliew:hahaha!i know, okay strawberry shortcake.ey're the same!
hahaha!such a cute teacher (:
that shopowner wanted me to try this on!not my wish.
where's my alibaba? (:
ponytail! ;D i realise i seldom shop w my hair tied up :/
taken while queenie takes 5mins in e changing room
yes, 5mins, not exaggerating.
let pictures do e typing
byebye textbooks )':
i feel so weird, like something is missing
like suddenly you have nothing to do
i kinda miss studying.haha
i need a trip to borders, seriously.
i want storybooks!
i hate textbooks, but i love storybooks (:
weird right?i know.
so now i shall rot till 5+
&head down to ballet ltr
maybe a game of neopets? ;D
Sunday, November 19, 2006sunnysideup!
i hate going e temple
cant wear this cant wear that
not even my shorts!
grrr, so irritating!!!
&e food expo sucks.totally.
i'm such a nice aunty!
i brought a RUBBER balloon all e way from expo back to my cousin house for my dear niece
fine, it didnt burst
i'll scream my ass off if it were to burst
jas: i tell you ah, if e balloon burst, i'm not gonna do this anymore
cousin: *laughing her ass of
niece: *swings e freaking thing ard (she don't knowhow to talk -.-)
see!how nice can i get :DD
i just realised mr steven su's living@ e same block as me!
met him in e lift just now!haha!
mummy doesnt want to watch e dance performance on e 20th!! ):
she's complaining it's sososo far
rawrr, sg is so damn small& yet she's complaining it's far! poos.
i'll buy e tiks& pass it to her, see what she can do! ;p
tml's the last paper!
&o's will be officaially OVER tml! ;D
theory:w whipcream represents big breast, w/o whipcream represents flat breast (X
toody! :D